recipes using canned tomato soup you may like

I like to introduce you some recipes that are using tinned tomato. It may seem that canned products are not nutritional, but by these recipes, a delicious and nutritious soup will be made.

Unfortunately, producing homemade canned tomato soup requires a few more steps than simply pouring any excellent recipe into jars and processing them in a canner. The process is rather more involved. Consequently, I decided to look for another tomato soup recipe that would be a hit with my husband. This time, it needed to be something that could be canned.

A Few Ground Rules for Making Homemade Canned Tomato Soup

Making homemade canned tomato soup can be challenging due to the fact that many recipes call for additional ingredients, such as flour as a thickening or cream for increased texture and flavor. Even with a pressure canner, neither of them can be canned without risk of spoilage.

You also need to apply an acid if you want to make it suitable for canning, which is another consideration.

When you are preserving tomato soup by canning it, you need to make sure that the acidity level is high enough so that it won’t spoil. On the other hand, you do not want the soup to be impacted by the acid level.

The National Center for Home Food Preservation recommends that you use no more than three cups of veggies for every 22 pounds of tomatoes when you are preserving them. This recommendation comes from the organization.

If you add an excessive amount of veggies to the soup, you will dilute the natural acid that comes from the tomatoes, which will render the soup unfit for canning.

Keeping with the proportions that were recommended, the majority of the seasonings that I put into this soup were in the form of dried herbs and spices.

Is it healthy to eat tomato soup from a can?

High in beneficial antioxidants

Tomato soup is loaded with beneficial antioxidants such as lycopene, flavonoids, vitamins C and E, and many others.

It is a good source of these nutrients ( 3, 7 ). It has been found that antioxidant consumption is associated with a reduced chance of developing cancer as well as inflammation-related disorders like obesity and heart disease ( 3, 8, 9 ).

How to make a simple yet delicious tomato soup.

You can use canned tomatoes, either whole or cut up into cubes, tomatoes that have been through the food processor, or fresh tomatoes to make the straightforward tomato soup. Because I enjoy having chunks of tomato in my soup, using entire canned tomatoes is my preferred method.

Using whole canned tomatoes also gives the soup more structure. The remaining components of the tomato soup are olive oil, onions, garlic, white vinegar, and the seasonings of your choice: salt, pepper, and sugar.

Tomato paste and an optional combination of thyme, oregano, marjoram, or basil, as well as an Italian herb blend.

When I do choose to use canned soup, though, I always try to jazz it up a bit by including a few extra ingredients that give it an air of sophistication.

You’ll see below eight different ways that I take tomato soup that costs two dollars at the grocery store and turn it into a meal that feels more or less handmade. (And it is so reassuring!)

The following recipes all begin with a container of Trader Joe’s creamy tomato soup; however, you are free to use any brand of tomato soup available at your local supermarket. (Like Campbell’s, Annie’s, etc.)

I happen to really enjoy T.J.’s tomato soup since it has a lot of flavors and is really creamy, and it costs less than three dollars even though it produces enough soup for several meals. I am pretty good at keeping a carton in my pantry at all times.

Each of the following recipes can easily be scaled up or down to accommodate the number of people you are preparing food for.

Simply multiply the amounts of each item by two, three, or even four. Because they keep well in the refrigerator or freezer, you may prepare a large quantity of these soups and enjoy them for several days thereafter.

Oh, and the majority of these recipes ask for only five components or less, can be prepared in approximately twenty minutes or less, and are all quite easy on the wallet.

  1. A Lasagna-Style Soup Made Using Shortcuts

What would happen if the flavors of lasagna were turned into a soup? To put it simply, it’s a delectable treat. You can make this soup using any type of pasta that you have in your pantry.

You can also make it with or without meat, and if you want, you can add some sautéed vegetables to give it more substance. (Zucchini, eggplant or red bell pepper all taste fantastic.) Just make sure to finish it off with a large dollop of ricotta cheese.

What you will require:

Tomato soup purchased from a store; the pasta of your choice; ricotta cheese; parmesan cheese; salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes; meat and/or vegetables, if you so desire; red pepper flakes;

How to put it together:

Shortcut Lasagna Soup: Prepare pasta by boiling it as directed on the package. While the pasta is cooking, heat the tomato soup in a saucepan or in the microwave. You may also do this simultaneously.

After the pasta is cooked, add a large dollop of ricotta, then top it with grated Parmesan cheese, season it with salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper, and serve. Before adding the ground beef to the soup, you should first brown it in a skillet to ensure that it is well cooked and then add it to the soup.

  1. Soup with White Beans and Kale from Tuscany This simple soup is filled with protein thanks to the white beans and kale, and it is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. You always have the option of including some additional vegetables, such as carrots, celery, or leeks. I find that some country bread is the perfect accompaniment for this dish because it helps to soak up all of the aromas.

What you will require:

Tomato soup purchased from a store, half a can of white beans or Great Northern Beans, a large handful of kale, and a teaspoon of sun-dried tomatoes

How to put it together:

Soup made using Tuscan White Beans: The white beans should be drained and re-soaked. The tomato soup should be heated in a saucepan until it reaches a simmer. After that, add the kale and stir it frequently until it has wilted. The white beans and a heaping tablespoon of sun-dried tomatoes should be added now. Serve!

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