low point canned tomato soup amazing recipe ideas

Those who care about their diet should look for low point dishes. We aim to provide you with amazing recipe ideas in order to make a canned tomato soup perfect for people on diet.

Continue reading if you want additional information on how to make the ultimate tomato soup, or just move ahead to the recipe if you’re in a hurry.

At any season of the year, you can count on soup to deliver a satisfying meal that’s also full of flavor. This Tomato Soup has a wonderful flavor and is delicious either on its own or with a few drops of sweet balsamic vinegar sprinkled over the top.

One of the many wonderful things about soup is that, on average, it has a point value that is not too high.

That translates to the fact that you can enjoy a hearty bowl of flavorful soup along with one or two slices of bread (if you have the points to spare).

The preparation of this Tomato Soup is rather simple, and also, it is suitable for storage in the freezer.

You can keep it in the freezer for up to three months, and then reheat it on low heat on the stove top whenever you want a simple lunch that’s low in points.

Did you know that the quantity of servings in this dish can be adjusted using the recipe card that can be found below?

This implies that if you want to prepare soup for two people or twenty-five people, you can do so without having to pull out your calculator to figure it all out.

Simply click in the servings box, enter the desired number of servings for the recipe, and the quantities of the individual ingredients will be immediately recalculated for you!

Make a large quantity of homemade tomato soup using this fantastic gadget, and then portion it up and freeze it so that you can have quick and easy lunches anytime you want.


Use tomatoes that have ripened on the vine for a tomato soup that is even more flavorful.

In this recipe, I discuss about removing the glaze from the pan. When preparing meals that adhere to the guidelines of Weight Watchers, you should use a less amount of oil than you would when frying or sauteing food in general.

Because of this, whenever you sauté onions or other vegetables in a skillet, there is a possibility that some of the onion will burn and adhere to the bottom of the pan. After you have sautéed the onion, add a splash of water to the pan and use a wooden spoon to scrape the browned parts from the bottom of the pan. This will avoid the onion from sticking even more and burning when the other ingredients are added. If you do this, you will not only improve the appearance of the meal, but you will also enhance the general flavor of it (as long as you do it before the bits start to burn!).



½ tbsp olive oil

2 carrots diced

1 red onion, sliced very thinly.

3 cloves of garlic, sliced very thinly

6 large tomatoes tomatoes

1 stock cube, reconstituted with 214 cups (500 milliliters) of hot water

6 basil leaves

1 tablespoon of tomato paste or puree

1 tsp sea salt

1 tsp sugar

1/2 milligram of freshly ground black pepper

vinegar balsamic may be added on the side.


When the onion and carrots are ready, add them to the oil that has been heated in a big pot. Cook it for five to seven minutes while stirring it occasionally to keep it from scorching on the bottom of the pan.

Once the onions have become tender and translucent, add a tablespoon of water to the saucepan and use a wooden spoon to scrape any of the browned onion into the mixture. Once the onions have reached this point, the onions are ready to be used. This will accomplish two goals: first, it will stop any chunks of onion from burning to the bottom of the pan, and second, it will enhance the flavor of the soup. After one minute, add the garlic and continue to sauté.

After adding the diced tomatoes, stock, basil leaves, sugar, and pepper, as well as stirring, add salt and sugar to taste. Bring to a boil, and once it has reached a boil, reduce the heat so that it is just barely simmering.

Keep stirring the mixture occasionally while it simmers for the next half an hour with the lid on the pot.

Take the pan off the heat and, while using an immersion blender, blend the mixture until it is smooth. You may also use a blender or a food processor, adding the ingredients one at a time and pulsing them until they are smooth.

Taste it and add more seasoning if it needs it.

Immediately serve with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar as an optional accompaniment.


Please be aware that the nutritional information that follows has been created by a machine and does not take into account changes in product brands and types, weights of individual components, etc. It should therefore be considered an approximation because these factors are not taken into consideration.

The Weight Watchers Smart Points for this dish have been determined by PointedKitchen.com based on the specific components that were used to make it, rather than on the nutritional information that is listed below.

Your reliance on this nutritional information may result in loss or harm, however PointedKitchen.com will not be held liable for any such loss or damage.

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