are canned pears good for kidneys + liver

Pears are included in a kidney-friendly diet. This canned fruit is also good for your liver. However, it’s important to be mindful of the serving size. One cup of canned pears (packed in water) contains about 129 mg of potassium and 1 medium fresh pear contains about 206 mg of potassium.

If recommended by a doctor and dietitian, limiting potassium in your diet may be important for your health. Check with your renal dietitian or doctor if you have further questions about potassium in your diet. Nutrient values are similar for both fresh pears and canned pears, however, they can vary depending on what type of canned pears you buy.

Be mindful of pears canned in a heavy syrup, as these may have added sugars. Pears canned in their juice or water are lower sugar options. Overall, pears are low in sodium and fat and high in fiber, making them a great addition to a healthy meal or snack.

High in fiber and rich in taste, pears pack a big punch! With over ten varieties of pears in the United States, these delicious fruits are available year-round. Bartlett, Bosc, Anjou, and Comice are some popular varieties. Pears are most often available fresh or canned but are also dried or juiced. They are a great addition to salads, desserts, or baked goods, adding sweetness and fiber. While apples are the stuff of legend, their close relatives, and peers, are considered ho-hum.

People often associate pears with their bland canned form, or with rare caramelized desserts; beyond that, pears don’t factor into most people’s daily thoughts. In the back of our minds, we know they exist, and that’s about it. Same with the pancreas: We’re aware that we each have this gland, yet unless it develops an issue, we barely register that it’s there.

Meanwhile, the pancreas takes much of the body’s stress. And sometimes we abuse the pancreas without even realizing it by eating a combination of fried foods, rich dishes, too much table sugar, or high-fat desserts. Heartbreak, letdown, betrayal, and other forms of broken trust, as well as fear of any kind, are also hard on the pancreas.

For pancreas protection and stress assistance, we must turn to the pear. This neglected fruit helps rejuvenate this neglected and overtaxed gland, alleviating pancreatitis and helping to prevent pancreatic cancer. Pears are also amazing for other aspects of digestion.

They act as an antispasmodic; help to soothe the linings of the stomach and intestinal tract; feed beneficial bacteria; starve and kill unproductive bacteria, parasites, and fungus; raise hydrochloric acid in the stomach; help prevent intestinal and stomach cancers; and reduce the bad acids produced by mucus and pathogens such as H. pylori.

They also restore linings in the gut that have become damaged and calloused from bacteria. The little granules in a pear’s flesh are loaded with phytochemicals, trace minerals, and amino acids such as valine, histidine, threonine, and lysine.

The trace minerals and amino acids combine and lock onto poisons in the body such as pesticides, expelling them from your system. Trace mineral salts make pear juice high in electrolytes, which stabilizes blood sugar. Plus, pears are great weight-loss food and heaven-sent for the liver, helping to cleanse and purify the organ and stop cirrhosis.

Bring pears into your life, and you’ll see that they’re anything but boring. If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing pears into your life: Acid reflux, high cholesterol, sluggish liver, dysfunctional liver, liver heat, liver stagnation, gas, bloating, constipation, gastritis, gastric distress, food allergies, upset stomach, intestinal inflammation, intestinal scar tissue, adhesions, insulin resistance, intestinal spasms, pancreas inflammation, appendix inflammation, weight gain, inflamed skin, diarrhea.

An overburdened, overstressed, and overheated pancreas and liver are often behind someone’s unsettled emotions such as frustration, irritation, uneasiness, or lack of peace.

Pears are the ideal food to remedy this situation, because they are the ultimate cooling tonic, especially for the liver and pancreas. The pear’s simplicity is a lesson for us all. Here’s a fruit that’s not complicated in the least, not flashy, exotic, hard to find, nor hard to eat—and that doesn’t reduce its power by one ounce.

Gentle, unassuming, and quietly beautiful, pears can care for your body in a particular manner that no other fruit can. They teach us that we don’t have to cry out for attention or sit in resentment of not being noticed. We, too, can hold on to our true selves and fully possess our power without any need for the show.

Each phase of a pear’s ripening process has value. When a pear is hard and crunchy, that means its fiber content is high, which lowers bad cholesterol and sweeps out mucus, pathogens, and other debris from the intestinal tract. Crunchy pear slices are a great addition to salads. When a pear is soft and juicy, its glucose levels are higher, and it’s very easy to digest.

Blended, ripe pear is an ideal food for someone recovering from food poisoning or another circumstance that kept her or him from eating.

Pears are best eaten between breakfast and lunch, or in the late afternoon (shortly before dinner). They act as an appetite suppressant and stomach tonic to prevent you from craving sweets or overeating at meals.

As a substitute for apple, try ripe pear in your fresh green-juice blends. Tender pears filled with warm maple syrup and toasted walnuts—this dish is comforting and perfect for chilly winter days.

The aroma of the cinnamon baking in the oven will fill the whole house with warmth, and the result will leave everyone feeling cozy and full. These are incredibly simple to make and a big hit with kids and adults alike. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Slice the pears in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Arrange the pear halves face up on a baking tray.

Drizzle each pear half with maple syrup, brushing over the face of the pear and leaving some inside the center. Divide the walnuts evenly into the centers of the pears and sprinkle cinnamon over the top of each.

Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, until the pears are tender and cooked through. Serve warm from the oven and enjoy! The health of your kidneys may improve if you eat a diet high in antioxidants, vitamins, and other minerals. Eating a variety of fruits may be beneficial for those with renal disease, so long as they do not contain excessive amounts of potassium and phosphorus. But certain fruits, like bananas and pineapple, may contain very high concentrations of these elements.

Strawberry berries include phenolic chemicals called anthocyanins and ellagitannins, which improve kidney health. There are phenolic chemicals in strawberries as well. Antioxidants are abundant, playing a function in protecting cells from free radical damage.

High in both fiber and manganese, and a great source of vitamin C. Anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties help boost overall well-being. Individuals with kidney problems or UTIs might benefit from eating cranberries because of their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The cranberry family has the potential to include cranberries.

Blueberries: There are 114 milligrams of potassium and 18 milligrams of phosphorus in a single serving of blueberries.

A serving of blueberries is a great way to get your daily dose of fiber. Increases renal and kidney health and reduces inflammation because of its high concentration of anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and antioxidants known as anthocyanidins. Vitamin C and manganese, both good for the skin and bones and maybe even slowing the aging process, are abundantly provided.

The phytonutrient ellagic acid found in raspberries has been demonstrated to help the body eliminate damaging free radicals and protect cells from damage. Includes flavonoids, which improve kidney function and may inhibit cancer cell growth. Numerous fruits and vegetables are good sources of flavonoids. An excellent resource for the vitamin B complex, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and folate that it contains. Apples: A medium-sized apple, which contains around one ounce, includes about 195 milligrams of potassium and 20 milligrams of phosphorus.

Cholesterol and blood sugar levels may be lowered, and constipation may be alleviated as a bonus. Improvements in kidney function may be attributed to both anti-inflammatory properties and high fiber content. Pineapples, which are naturally low in potassium, may help lower blood pressure, a common problem in people with advanced renal disease.

the digestive enzyme bromelain it contains aids in the breakdown of kidney stones in the body. The high fiber content and heart-healthy properties of these foods make them a great choice (heart complications are common in people undergoing dialysis).

An abundance of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system, makes this an ideal food choice. Citrus fruits and vegetables, including others rich in vitamin C, are good for the kidneys. Oranges, lemons, and other citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin C. To prevent kidney stones, drink lemon juice diluted in water every day.


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